SMSto Bulk SMS for Joomla!

SMSto Bulk SMS for Joomla!


This package brings SMS.To service of sending bulk SMS to Joomla! CMS.

  • Bulk SMS to Joomla! users (synchronize SMSto lists with Joomla! user groups)

  • Send SMS to a single phone number

  • Send bulk SMS to many phone numbers

  • Send bulk SMS to list of phones

  • View History of the sent messages

  • SMS notification to Joomla! administrator upon:

    • New user registration

    • Successful user login

    • Failed user login

    • User logout

  • Reset password with the use of SMS message

  • Username reminder request with the use of SMS message


First download zip file from here and then follow the standard Joomla! installation process Joomla! Help Screens.

To successfully use this package a valid SMS.To account is needed. You can create a new account as described at Account creation & verification on SMS.to : SMS.to

Make sure that your PHP environmental variable is on production mode. That is error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT


Navigate to SMSto components and click button options.

Insert your API key and save.

The options Show Reports and Show Contacts & Lists are enabled by default. This is in case you decide to show component in front end, but you wish to hide the messages reports, and contacts.

Then navigate to Synchronize menu.

Follow the here link on the red notification in order to enable the User plugin.

As shown in above image all features are enabled. You can choose to disable what is not needed. All options are self explanatory, except the synchronize phones, which we will explain in following relevant paragraph.

If needed you can create a new Joomla! menu in front end in order to show SMSto application in your front end and give your users to send there own bulk SMS.


Contacts, Lists & Un-/Subscription

You can create your lists with the phone numbers you wish to bulk send. For a complete guid of SMSto contacts usage please read Contacts, Lists & Un-/Subscription : SMS.to

The basic functionality is also available this package.

To view, create, edit or delete any list you can do it to Lists tab as shown in below image.

The same applies for contacts.

There are filters per list, whether it is subscribed, and search for specific phones. Each contact can be a part of one or more lists. For example below image:

Each contact you can optin/optout, delete, or edit with the buttons on the right. When create/edit a contact you can define the follow that can be used when sending a list as merge fields.

Sending SMS messages

Sending message can be done from Send tab. For a single message:

For pasted numbers like below

And to one or more lists as below:


From tab Reports is available the status of the messages sent. The filters available is by recipient number, date and status.

Synchronize users

One of the great features of SMSto is the ability to save in lists the phone numbers as SMSto contacts. The idea is to synchronize selected user groups with SMSto lists, and then use those lists to send the bulk SMS messages. After the first time synchronization all new users will be automatically synchronized.

The phone number used to send message is the phone field in user profile, as shown in below image.

The first time using this extension need to force synchronize the user groups need to synchronize. After that all actions of users new/edit phone/delete, will be automatically synced with SMSto contacts. To force synchronize a user group navigate to extension menu synchronize.

When click button submit two actions will be performed:

  1. Create an SMSto list with name J_groupname (e.g. J_Registered)

  2. Copy the phones of all users in selected group to the list.

Then you can choose the lists to send bulk SMS to all the users in the group through the send menu of the extension.

Username Reminder Request

To enable the username reminder request via SMS first you must add the corresponding menu item.

Then guests on the site can request to get a reminder about their username as shown below.

Either they put their email, or SMS they will get the appropriate message with their username.

Password Reset

Similar you can add a menu for the password reset so your users can then ask to reset their password with a message via SMS or email as shown below.

SMSto Module

In addition to support above two features we have available a login module that replace core Joomla login.



Copyright (C) 2022 Intergo Telecom Ltd support@sms.to

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see Licenses- GNU Project - Free Software Foundation .

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