Send SMS (Bulk)

To send an SMS go to WP - Bulk SMS - by - Send SMS:

Send from: takes the value from Settings - Gateway - Sender

Send to: Drop down list to select from :

  1. WordPress Users - Selects all Wordpress users that have a mobile phone

  2. Role - Select a role to send the SMS to (Can be any role of WordPress). Available roles are

    1. Administrator

    2. Editor

    3. Author

    4. Contributor

    5. Subscriber

  3. Single Number - Enter mobile phone number to send to

  4. Paste Number(s) - Enter mobile phone number(s) to send to. You can enter more than one mobile phone numbers separated by a comma

Message : Message content has a limitation of 480 characters. Each SMS can carry/send 160 characters - if the message content holds more than 160 characters then the content is split to 2 or more parts, with 153 characters maximum in each part.

Send a flash : Flash sends messages which are opened without being asked if the Provider, Country and Network allow

SEND SMS : Press the button to SEND SMS: