Functions (Bulk)

Send SMS to WordPress users
Select WP users as the recipients of your message. This will automatically be sent to all WP users mobile phones.

Send SMS to WordPress roles
Select Role as the recipient of your message. This will open a new drop down list to select one of WordPress existing Roles. Your message will me sent to the user belonging to the selected role.

Send SMS to a mobile phone number
Select Single number as the recipient of your message. This will display a new field to enter the mobile phone number.
The country code must be used if the prefix is not activated. i.e +357 or +44

Send SMS to more than one mobile phone number
Select Paste Number(s) as the recipient of your message. This will display a new area field to enter the mobile phone numbers separated by a comma.
The country code must be used i.e +357 or +44

Send SMS to Wordpress subscribers When publish new post
By enabling this option, Wordpress subscribers will receive SMS when a new post is published.
The following variables can be set in the message content in the Notifications settings
Post title: %post_title%, Post content: %post_content%, Post url: %post_url%, Post date: %post_date%

Send SMS to the author of the post when that post is published
By enabling this option, the author of a post will receive SMS when the post is published.
The following variables can be set in the message content in the Notifications settings
Post title: %post_title%, Post content: %post_content%, Post url: %post_url%, Post date: %post_date%

Send SMS to Operator mobile phone number when a new release of WordPress
By enabling this option, the operator will receive SMS when there is a new release of WordPress

Send SMS to Operator mobile phone number and to the user when registers on wordpress
By enabling this option, the operator and the user will receive SMS when the user registers in wordpress.
The following variables can be set in the message content in the Notifications settings
User login: %user_login%, User email: %user_email%, Register date: %date_register%

Send SMS to Operator mobile phone number when get a new comment
By enabling this option, the operator will receive SMS when there is a new comment on a post.
The following variables can be set in the message content in the Notifications settings
Comment author: %comment_author%, Author email: %comment_author_email%, Author url: %comment_author_url%, Author IP: %comment_author_IP%, Comment date: %comment_date%, Comment content: %comment_content%

Send SMS to Operator mobile phone number when user is login
By enabling this option, the operator will receive SMS when the user is login in wordpress.
The following variables can be set in the message content in the Notifications settings
Username: %username_login%, Nickname: %display_name%