
WooCommerce Integration

Sends SMS to Customers when a new product is published

  1. Status : Set the status to active to enable the notification

  2. Message body : This is the message that will be sent to the notification recipient


Sends SMS to Operator when a new order is placed

  1. Status : Set the status to active to enable the notification

  2. Message body : This is the message that will be sent to the notification recipient



Sends SMS to SMS Receivers when a new order is submitted

  1. Status : Set the status to active to enable the notification

  2. SMS Receiver : These are the mobile phone numbers of the SMS Receivers. You can enter more than one mobile phone number and separate them using comma ,

  3. Message body : This is the message that will be sent to the notification recipient


Orders related Customer Phone Number field

Choose from which field you get Customer Phone Number for sending SMS for orders.Select an option from the drop down list Customer profile phone number or Customer billing phone number as on order. So, now, when you receive Woo Commerce notifications for orders this will use the selected phone. If you select Order mobile phone and you don’t set a mobile phone on the order, no message will be sent.


  • Customer profile phone number

  • Customer billing phone number as on order



Sends SMS to the customer when a new order is submitted

  1. Status : Set the status to active to enable the notification

  2. Message body : This is the message that will be sent to the notification recipient


Sends an SMS to the customer when the order status is changed

  1. Status : Set the status to active to enable the notification

  2. Message body : This is the message that will be sent to the notification recipient


Sends an SMS by order status


  1. Status : Set the status to active to enable the notification

  2. Order Status & Message : You can define the role, order status and notify status.

Define the role : Select a role from the drop down list

Define the order status : Select an order status from the drop down list you want this notification to consider.

Define the notify status : Select a notify status from the drop down list to enable or disable this notification

Message : This is the message that will be sent to the notification recipient

3. Add another order status : Using this option you can add as many notifications as you wish - You can also delete the ones you no longer wish to have, but instead of deleting them, you can just disable them(use the last drop down list) to preserve all the notification information (recipients, status, template, wording etc.).